Web Template Customization


"Wait, THAT's a template??"

That’s what they’ll will say when you get me to help you customize a template site (either mine or someone else’s). You’ll start by filling out my Brand & Niche questionnaire, so we’ve got everything we need to customize your site.

Then, in just two days, you and I will work together to make it a brand-aligned conversion machine.

You’ll get:

  • As many customized pages as time allows (Depending on page size and number of revisions, I can usually get to 3-6 pages. Alternatively, if you want a long-form sales page, that may be all we do.)

  • My Brand & Niche Questionnaire, plus copy review

  • Essential Technical SEO and mobile responsiveness

  • Anything else you need that we can squeeze in!

Timeline: 2 Days

Note: this package does not include an entire rebrand, or content copywriting.

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