How to Create an Irresistible Freebie to Grow Your Coaching Biz

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We all have that folder where freebies go to die, right?

It's chock full of all the workbooks and ebooks we’ve downloaded and never looked at again.

And guess what? Your potential clients have one of these folders, too.

So if you don't want your freebie to end up in the graveyard of forgotten files, stick around. I'm going to share some tips on how to create a freebie that will actually change your potential client’s life and grow your business.

Create a freebie they’ll actually read

By creating an ebook that is actually useful to your ideal clients, you can capture their attention and keep them engaged. The key is to ensure that your ebook provides solutions to the pain points and challenges that your audience is facing.

Here are some tips to help you create a freebie that rocks:

1. Know your audience:

Obviously, your freebie should offer a solution to a problem your audience is facing.

Before you start writing, make sure you have a clear understanding of who your target audience is. What are their needs, interests, and pain points? What kind of information are they looking for?

  1. Choose a compelling topic: Your topic should be relevant and interesting to your audience. It should also be focused and specific enough to provide real value.

  2. Provide valuable information: Your ebook should offer a solution to a specific problem.

2. Choose the type of opt-in freebie

There are so many choices! Choose a format that aligns with your audience's preferences and the type of content you enjoy creating.

Some options:

  • a short ebook or workbook

  • a quick and easy-to-read checklist

  • a mini-course (think 30 minutes or so)

  • a private podcast (that you pay to access, like Hello Audio),

  • design templates (like a template in Canva, e.g. Creative Market has tons of these),

  • software templates (like a list or process in Asana or Trello that someone can copy),

  • print and utility templates (like invoice templates, client welcome package templates, services and pricing guides, thank you card templates, etc.),

  • scripts (like nurture sequence templates and sales scripts), and

  • spreadsheets and trackers (like budgets and calories).

There are more, but you get the idea.

3. Pick the Best Format

For coaching clients, you want to give them an experience of what it’s like to work with you. That’s what’s going to sell them on your services.

One of the best and simplest ways to do that is with a customized workbook that introduces them to you and takes them through a core part of your work.

There are plenty of other great options on the list above, but few are as easy and quick to create as a really stellar workbook.

Canva templates are your friend here. Pick one that appeals to you and customize it to match your brand. Use the pages to inspire your content for your ideal clients.

  1. Keep it concise: Your ebook should be long enough to provide value but not so long that it becomes overwhelming or boring. Aim for around 8-20 pages at the most.

  2. Include a clear call-to-action: Your ebook should end with a clear call-to-action, such as signing up for your email list or visiting your website.

Remember, the best workbooks only devote a few pages to your process or teaching. The rest of the pages introduce them to you, your biz and your brand. They provide the copy and social proof of the kind of solution you can solve for them.

4. Choose Your Topic

Now that we've got your format selected, how do you choose what to give them?

It’s easy. You’ve got two main options. Your first option is to pick a really specific, small problem that really bothers a lot of your ideal clients.

For example, almost every client I have struggles at least a little bit with how to set themselves apart from their competition. So, I made a short ebook about how to figure out your USP (Unique Selling Proposition) from a few thought-provoking questions and old client testimonials.

I didn’t even create it from scratch. I built most of it from slides from an old workshop.

It makes a great, powerful freebie that introduces people to my work and conveys my values for ease, speed, and simplicity.

Step 5: Set up a landing page

Now, let’s set it up. Your landing page should have a compelling headline, a clear description of what subscribers will get, and a call-to-action (CTA) button that prompts visitors to enter their email address.

Keep the design simple, but make sure you include sections about you, your work, and the value they’ll get from being on your list. I have a great example of a freebie landing page here.

Step 6: Promote it!

Now it’s time to get it out there! If you’ve given it a proper page on your website, you might want to put it in your main menu if it doesn’t make things too cluttered. If you already have plenty of items in your navigation, consider at least putting it in your footer, and adding it as a widget to the bottom of blog posts and other relevant pages.

And of course, share it on social media and in your email signature. You can also collaborate with other businesses or influencers in your niche to reach a broader audience.

In conclusion, creating an opt-in freebie is a powerful way to grow your email list and ultimately your business. By following these steps, you can create a valuable incentive that resonates with your target audience, attracts subscribers, and sets the stage for long-term customer relationships.

We know an email list is important to your biz, and building a stellar freebie that provides value to your ideal clients is a great way to build it and grow your business!


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Diane Whiddon

Results-driven Squarespace website design, template customization, and AI Brand Photoshoots.

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Your Freebie is Too Expensive