The Power of Your Inbox: Why Every Healer and Coach Needs an Email List

"The Power of Your Inbox" written over a laptop

5 Reasons Why Email Marketing is a Game-Changer for Your Business

As I’ve mentioned before, a lot of healers and wellness practitioners skip the email list because … well, they don’t need it.

It’s possible to build a thriving service-based business without email marketing. So, why bother with a list?

Because email marketing can be a game-changer for wellness and coaching practices - including yours!

What exactly is an email list?

More than a list of your past clients, a list for email marketing is a list of people who have agreed to get future stuff from you. (This is a huge deal.)

This means they’ve agreed to receive newsletters, promotions, and other cool stuff from you in their inbox (you might as well be dating), which keeps them updated and engaged with your services.

But Diane, why do I need that if I’m getting plenty of clients and I’m already busy? I hear you saying.

Because a warm, current email list can have a huge impact on your business. It can pave the way for bigger opportunities, less stress, and more ease, down the line.

Let’s get into it:

Why you need one:

1. Build relationships with potential clients

First of all, having an email list connects you with potential clients who are interested in your services.

By consistently providing value and information that helps them solve a problem in their life, you're positioning yourself as an expert in your field. This builds your trust and credibility with them and makes it more likely that they’ll turn to you when they need help.

2. Stay top-of-mind

Even if someone isn't ready to work with you right now, keeping in touch with them via email can mean that they think of you when they’re ready.

This means that when they need help or know someone who does, they're more likely to think of you first.

Having an email list keeps your brand and services at the forefront of your customers' minds, leading to more business.

3. Increase referrals

Because you’ve established yourself as an expert with valuable content, and you’ve built trust and rapport with your consistency, you’re more likely to get referrals from your email list.

Asking is of course a crucial element here.

It can be hard to ask for them, but you need to remember that you’re not asking random people on the street. People on your list have a relationship with you.

They know you, like you, and trust you enough to get emails from you (so, they like you a lot), so they’re already in your corner.

Reminding them that you’re accepting new clients and that you value referrals is likely to get results.

You can also start a referral program to incentivize referrals, if it works for your business.

4. Measure your success

Email marketing provides a ton of data that can help you make informed decisions about your marketing strategy.

I’m often surprised by the posts and newsletters that do well, and the ones that get crickets.

By tracking metrics like open rates, click-throughs, and conversions, you can see which emails are resonating with your audience and adjust your content and services accordingly.

5. Get ready for growth

Have you been thinking about offering a coaching program or course?

Do you want to leverage your time and energy by offering something that doesn’t need you to be in front of a client to make money?

Email marketing is crucial to launch a leveraged service or product.

Making the switch from a one-to-one service, like massage therapy or acupuncture, to a course or coaching program requires a list of people who like you and trust your expertise.

You need that large audience to sell your course or program effectively.

You can announce your new offerings, share success stories, and offer discounts to your subscribers. By keeping them informed, you're more likely to get them interested in your services, and those sales can free up both time and energy in your current practice.

To Sum Up:

An email list is a fantastic tool for wellness practitioners and coaches. It will help you build relationships, promote your services, increase referrals, measure your success, and grow your businesses.

By consistently providing value and building strong relationships with subscribers, you can attract more clients and grow your business.

So, what are you waiting for? Start building your email list today!

Not sure where to start? Check out ConvertKit. I love their service, and they have a free plan to get you started!

Diane Whiddon

Results-driven Squarespace website design, template customization, and AI Brand Photoshoots.

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