Daydreaming is the First Stage of Planning

"How Slowing Down During the Holidays Can Help Your Business"

In this season of snow and sparkly lights, I notice that I'm again slowing down the way I do every year at this time. I chalk it up to gawking at twinkly lights on the side of the road and savoring gingerbread-flavored things. 

It's like … there's more to enjoy, and as I take time for that, things slow right down.

Diane Whiddon putting a tree topper on a Xmas tree on the beach

Tis the sea-sun to be jolly. (I’m not even a little sorry.)

This is an improvement from years past.  Normally, I'd resist the shift into slowdown.  There are too many things to do!  Too many errands to run!  Too many ways to be thoughtful, generous, and caring, right?

But, with age, I’ve learned that things slowing down doesn't mean they stop.

As my pace slows, my brainstorming and planning tend to soften, too. 

I still think about my biz and ponder what my products and services will look like next year. But it shifts from goal-oriented, strategic planning to fuzzy-eyed daydreaming.

And daydreaming is still productive.

It’s actually how planning begins.  High-powered strategizing begins with soft-focus daydreaming.

During the rest of the year, I used to miss that. All my daydreaming got lost in spaced-out rides home and the constant hustle to seek meaning in my busy-ness.

I’ve since learned the value of idle time.

There’s something beautiful and necessary about time spent without the pressure of an agenda, time where I can ponder how I’d like my life to be.

In these moments, I’m guided by the joy of my body and the meanderings of my desires. I get to embrace pumpkin-spiced things, soft scarves, and chilly mornings. I can just let myself want what I want and see what occurs to me to make it happen.

These little moments of heart-centered dream-play are exactly where the best strategies begin.

This step is crucial to great business ideas.  And it's where most people misstep.  They get out spreadsheets and marketing books, but really, all you need is more time spent meandering.

Daydreaming is a crucial step.  And if you find yourself naturally slowing down this year, take a little time to ruminate on your business, too.

Business strategy doesn't always have to look like right-brain thinking.

The best ideas often start with a little wishful thinking.

So, let yourself make some wishes for your business this holiday season.  Slow down and invite in some gentleness. 

Let yourself be wildly productive on your business by daydreaming a bit.

Happy Holidays! See you in January, 2023.

Love, Diane

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Diane Whiddon

Results-driven Squarespace website design, template customization, and AI Brand Photoshoots.

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